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October General Meeting - Tuesday the 15th

10/14/2024 9:43 am

TONIGHT!! Our next General Meeting will be on October 15th at 6 p.m. in the Teaching Theater. During this meeting there will be a report from the Audit Committee on our 2023-2024 books. We hope to see you there!

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10/14/2024 9:40 am

This November voters will be asked to vote on an HISD bond: Propositions A and B on your ballot. The Miles administration’s request for $4.4 Billion for rebuilds, renovations, technology, security, and four separate CTE centers has received significant media attention, so you may have heard about it already. The PTO does not take a position as an organization, but aims to provide balanced information to inform our membership. To that end, the PTO is joining with other area PTAs and PTOs to host a roundtable on the HISD bond election on October 22 at 5:30pm at St. Mark’s UMC on Pecore. Both sides of the issue will be presented. Please send your questions in advance to hello@helmspta.org.

Click "More" to view the details in the flyer.

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PSAT This Wednesday, 10/16 for 9th, 10th, and 11th Grades

10/14/2024 9:35 am

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