Originally delivered on 8/29/2023 10:00 am

SUBJECT: News from Heights HS PTO for 08/29/2023

Upcoming Events
Monday, September 4
Labor Day
Tuesday, September 12
Open House - 09.12.23 @5:45 PM
Tuesday, September 19
PTO Meeting - 09.19.23 @ 6PM
Coffee with the Principal - 09.19.23 @8:45 AM
Monday, September 25
Fall Holiday
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Hello Bulldog Families,

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!  I hope you are as excited about the school year as we are. The PTO is already working full speed ahead to support the students, teachers, and staff at Heights High School.

A big task we accomplished over the summer was moving all of our various commerce and communications platforms to Membership Toolkit.  Check out our new website here!  If you haven’t signed up yet to be on our new mailing list, please do so you can remain informed of all the news we have to share.  The old mailing list will expire at the end of October.  You’ll know you’re on the new list if you’re getting your newsletter at 10 am.

2022-2023 was a successful year for our PTO.  We increased our membership, went back to in-person general meetings, celebrated our teachers and staff through appreciation events and grants, supported senior activities, provided scholarships to fifteen graduating seniors, provided funds for activities like Go Texan Day, and continued our (now) tradition of hosting the Bulldog Bash fundraiser. 

We have similarly big plans for this year.  To accomplish our goals, we need volunteers and donations. Please consider lending your time, talents, and/or funds to the PTO.  Here are some upcoming opportunities:

  • Volunteer at the PTO store during lunch.  It is a busy job, but a great opportunity to see the pulse of Heights during lunch!  If you are interested in volunteering at the store, please sign up here.  

  • We are planning a Bulldog Beautification day for the fall and will be looking for volunteers from families and student clubs to take on small tasks around the school. Stay tuned for more information!

  • Join the PTO!  We want to hear from you.  Please join the PTO and come to meetings to let us hear your thoughts.  Memberships are $5 for teachers/staff and $25 to $500 for parents/community members, with extra amounts paid over the basic membership going to support the PTO’s endeavors. 

Another thing that the PTO does is work to foster community.  To stay connected and be aware of PTO opportunities, here’s another reminder to subscribe to our newsletter.  We’re on social media too!  We are most active on Facebook, but we are also on Twitter, Instagram, and we have a WhatsApp group for our Spanish speakers.  There is a Facebook group for the Class of 2024, Class of 2025, Class of 2026 and Class of 2027 (please answer the questions in order to be accepted into the group!).  There is also information on our website at Heightspto.org.

FiInally, thank you to all the staff of Heights High School for choosing to be at Heights and for making a difference every day for our students.  We hope you know how much you are appreciated.

Thanks for your support.  We are looking forward to a successful year for all of our Bulldog family!

Tracy Lisewsky, PTO President


¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2023-24! Espero que estén tan igual de entusiasmados con el año escolar como nosotros. El PTO ya está trabajando a toda velocidad para apoyar a los estudiantes, maestros y personal de Heights High School.

Una gran tarea que logramos durante el verano fue trasladar todas nuestras diversas plataformas de comercio y comunicaciones a Membership Toolkit. ¡Mira nuestro nuevo sitio web aquí! Si aún no te has registrado para estar en nuestra nueva lista de correo, hazlo para mantenerte informado de todas las novedades que tenemos para compartir. La antigua lista de correo caducará a finales de octubre. Sabrá que está en la nueva lista si recibe su boletín a las 10 AM.

2022-2023 fue un año exitoso para nuestro PTO. Aumentamos nuestra membresía, volvimos a las reuniones generales en persona, celebramos a nuestros maestros y personal a través de eventos de agradecimiento y subvenciones, apoyamos actividades para personas mayores, brindamos becas a quince estudiantes de último año que se gradúan, proporcionamos fondos para actividades como el Día Go Texan y continuamos nuestro (ahora ) tradición de organizar la recaudación de fondos Bulldog Bash.

Tenemos planes igualmente grandes para este año. Para lograr nuestros objetivos, necesitamos voluntarios y donaciones. Considere prestar su tiempo, talentos y/o fondos al PTO. Estas son algunas de las próximas oportunidades:

  • Sea voluntario en la tienda del PTO durante el almuerzo. Es un trabajo muy ocupado, ¡pero es una gran oportunidad para ver el pulso de Heights durante el almuerzo! Si está interesado en ser voluntario en la tienda, regístrese aquí.
  • Estamos planeando un día de embellecimiento de Bulldog para el otoño y buscaremos voluntarios de familias y clubes de estudiantes para realizar pequeñas tareas en la escuela. ¡Estén atentos para más información!
  • ¡Únase al PTO! Queremos escuchar de ti. Únase al PTO y venga a las reuniones para dejarnos escuchar sus opiniones. Las membresías cuestan $5 para maestros/personal y entre $25 y $500 para padres/miembros de la comunidad, y se pagan montos adicionales sobre la membresía básica para apoyar los esfuerzos del PTO.

Otra cosa que hace el PTO es trabajar para fomentar la comunidad. Para mantenerse conectado y estar al tanto de las oportunidades de PTO, aquí tiene otro recordatorio para suscribirse a nuestro boletín. ¡Estamos en las redes sociales también! Somos más activos en Facebook, pero también estamos en Twitter, Instagram y WhatsApp para nuestros hispanohablantes. Hay un grupo de Facebook para la Clase de 2024, la Clase de 2025, la Clase de 2026 y la Clase de 2027 (¡responda las preguntas para ser aceptado en el grupo!). También hay información en nuestro sitio web en Heightspto.org.

Finalmente, gracias a todo el personal de Heights High School por elegir estar en Heights y por marcar la diferencia cada día para nuestros estudiantes. Esperamos que sepas cuánto te apreciamos.

Gracias por su apoyo. ¡Esperamos un año exitoso para toda nuestra familia Bulldog!

Tracy Lisewsky, presidenta del PTO

Recording of Ms. Hamptons Back to School Meeting
Recording of Ms. Hamptons Back to School Meeting

For parents who were unable to watch Ms. Hamptons meeting last week, here is the link to the recording. Have it open in your Teams app.

Para los padres que no pudieron ver la reunión de la directora anoche, aquí está el enlace. Téngalo abierto en su aplicación Teams. Está grabado.

The School Store Needs You!
The School Store Needs You!

We are in desperate need of volunteers for our School Store.  Haven’t volunteered before or missed the training?  You can still help!  There will be an experienced person there to help you.  Pro tip - this is a great way to see your kids during the school day.  The energy is electric and you will have lots of fun while volunteering.  Reminder to get VIPS certified!  Sign up here:

PTO store: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C44AEA923A20-ptostore

School Store Information
School Store Information

The school store will be open every day that we have enough volunteers to do so.  Missed getting your pre-orders at Pup Camp?  The school store has them!  Want to buy some new gear?  The school store has all sorts of gear to outfit your Bulldog.  And we have more shirts on order!  Be sure to bring cash for purchases?

And we have a new item alert.  The store will be selling  crocs charms for only $3 each!  We ordered a limited number of these as a trial - get one before they are gone!


When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved!  Your help is always needed! 

All APPROVED background checks in the HISD VIPS (Volunteer In Public Schools) expired on July 31, 2023. 

You have to renew your application every school year.

If you plan to volunteer for the 2023-2024 school year, please take this time to complete a volunteer application by clicking on the link VIPS.  Thank you for your continued support!

$100 Teacher Supply Reimbursement is open through September 30th!
$100 Teacher Supply Reimbursement is open through September 30th!

Teachers: Don’t miss out on the $100 Teacher Supply reimbursement!  The PTO will reimburse every Heights High teacher up to $100 for classroom supplies. All you need to do is fill out the Teacher Supply Reimbursement Form, which can be found on our Forms and Documents page, attach your receipts, and submit online via the form. 

Teacher Grant Requests Form opens August 15th!
Teacher Grant Requests Form opens August 15th!

Teachers/Staff….this is for you!  The PTO will pay up to $1000 for a teacher grant to support you and your class needs.  The online teacher grant request form will officially open up on August 15th! Funds are limited so try to get your requests in early.  Please email Aimee Flood at grants@heightspto.org with any questions you may have. 

Click here for more details and form: https://www.heightspto.org/grants

School Supply Shopping
School Supply Shopping

Please keep in mind while shopping for school supplies. If you shop at Office Depot or OfficeMaxOffice Max, Heights PTO will receive 5% back in credit for FREE supplies when you make a purchase of qualifying products and provide our school ID at checkout. (School ID #70240564) It’s a small act that can make a huge difference.

If you shop at Staples and have the StaplesConnect App be sure to add Heights High School to receive 5% back in Classroom Rewards.https://www.staples.com/stores/c/classroomrewards

Thank You!

Heights HS Parent Teacher Organization Membership
Heights HS Parent Teacher Organization Membership

We were so excited to welcome all the incoming freshmen last week during Pup Camp.  We want to invite all parents, family, guardians, teachers and students to join the Heights High School Parent Teacher Organization - HHS PTO.  Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join!

There are 6 membership levels for the 2023-2024 HHS PTO. Please join us today!


Please contact membership@heightspto.org if you have any questions or concerns.


Class of 2024
Class of '24 Merchandise
Class of 2025

Class of 2025
Remind code: @78cfcg3
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/heights2025/
Instagram: @heightsco2025

Class of 2026
Spirit Night at Fajita Pete's - Sept 26th
Spirit Night at Fajita Pete's - Sept 26th

Save the date for our Spirit Night at Fajita Pete's - Sept 26. In a rush? You can also do pick up/take out. Be sure and mention "Heights C/O 2026" and 15% of all $$ goes to our class.

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